When it comes to keeping your best mate dry and warm, here at Fair Dinkum Dogs we have you covered with our fabulous range of waterproof dog coats. But what can you do on a hot day?

Contrary to what some people may think you should NOT give your dog ice or hose them down on a hot day.

‘This can’t be true!’ but trust me it is.

The reason why is that when a dog experiences a cold sensation its nervous system sends signals to WARM the body, therefore getting the opposite result to what you intended. 

What you can do to be the best human possible for your best mate is to be prepared. SHADE and FRESH WATER are a no brainer but what are those little extras that can help?

  • Switch from small to large water containers. This will slow down the heating up of drinking water and will also result in less refills needed. Also make sure you have multiple water sources preferably in the shade.
  • Provide all day access to a shallow pool. Although a once-off wetting of your dog is not recommended, providing all-day access to a shallow pool is. Along with panting, standing in water will also result in a lowering in body temperature as heat is omitted through the mouth, paws and ears. Having a baby pool or similar available gives added options of entering the water or laying down on the damp ground beside the pool.
  • Keep your dog well-groomed by brushing away shedding hair.
  • Allow inside access and provide a cool mat or fan. When allowing your dog inside during extreme temperatures please keep in mind the difference from inside to outside temperatures. Do not put your dog directly in front of an air con. Remember, gradual lowering of your best mate’s body temperature is your goal.
  • Never leave your pet in a stationary vehicle. Even for a few minutes can result in serious overheating and potentially in death.
  • Avoid hot surfaces for their paws. Dogs help lower their body temperature through their paws so it is unhelpful to stand or walk them on hot surfaces. This includes the back of a utility, deckings, footpaths and roads in full sun. In extreme circumstances they can also badly burn their paws requiring expensive veterinary treatment.

What other helpful tips do you know of? I’d love to hear them.