Spring and Summer Time Tips

Snake season, grass seeds and skin irritations and your dog.

Spring and Summer are such a beautiful time of year, here’s some simple tips to enjoy it safely with your best mate.


The big obvious health concerns are those wriggly little buggers…

We are finding snakes everywhere this year but even if you don’t see them be sure to know they are out there. Keep your best mate close during this time and if they do get bitten don’t muck around get straight on the phone to let your vet know you’re on the way.

The reason I mention this is I’ve heard of so many people going straight to the vet only to find no one there. Call first to ensure the vet is there or heading there.

Check the skin!

Its grass seed prime time and skin irritations caused by pollens and insect bites.

Here are some simple ideas to keep your best mate in tip top condition:

  • Up the weekly grooming. Time to strip out the old hair whilst removing grass seeds that could be working their way through the hair to the skin
  • Check the tootzies daily…. Gently splay apart your best mate’s toes and remove any grass seeds, be sure to check all nooks and crannies. We find using nail scissors to trim away hair between the toes helps to prevent grass seeds from becoming caught.
  • Make sure you check everywhere for grass seeds particularly in the armpits, ears and of course the paws.
  • Any skin irritation is best treated with cool…. Like any rash you need to remove what is causing the irritation so give your best mate a hose using cold water to remove any pollens from the area and to sooth the rash. There are many over the counter creams available to sooth or work as a barrier so that the pollens cannot reach the skin. If irritation persists always consult your veterinarian.
  • Channel your inner Sherlock Holmes…. Does your best mate get skin irrigation when you have been up the bush but doesn’t get irritations whilst at the dog park? Sometimes, if you think about the time of year and areas that you frequent, if can match up with days of irritation, and it’s a simply fix of avoiding that location every year for a month or so.

What to do if you find a grass seed has entered the skin?

If grass seed has only slightly entered the skin (1 or 2mm), simply remove using tweezers, then apply antiseptic cream to the area. We personally prefer to use the natural alternative of Manuka Honey as it works both as a natural antiseptic whilst also drawing any foreign bodies out of the wound.

You can cover the area using elastic wrap to stop your best mate from licking the honey away. Check location the following day and if all looks healthy (no discharge or red skin) then no need to continue treatment but continue to monitor area to ensure it completely heals. Always seek veterinary treatment if grass seed is deeply embedded in the skin or if area is red and inflamed, swollen or has a discharge.

We know there is no one more important to you than your best mate, we hope these simple tips will help ensure they are kept in tip top condition.